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Terms of Service

✿ Overall Commission Process ✿

-Client must wait for 1-5 business days for the artist's response. The artist will not respond if she is unable to accept the commission.

-The artist will discuss the commission form, final cost, and estimated time of completion with client before sending the invoice. Do not pay before receiving the invoice. (Any sketch work the artist draws during this stage will be free of charge but will be prohibited from sharing or selling without the artist's permission.)


-The client is allowed to pay full OR half-price upfront. Payment must be completed by the end of the commission to receive the completed commission in its highest resolution.

-The artist will update the client throughout the commission. During the final rough-sketch and line-art stage, the client is allowed to provide feedback and/or request MAJOR changes in the commission. Changes that are requested more than two times will be charged extra.

-During the coloring stage, the client is allowed to request MINOR adjustments. Changes that are requested more than two times will be charged extra.

-Once the commission is completed, the artist will send the client a low-quality version of the commission for final inspection. When the client is satisfied with the commission and has completed the required payment, the artist will submit the high-quality, un-watermarked, completed commission via through Twitter DM or email (depending on the commission's size and format).

✿ Refunds and Discounts ✿

-Full Refunds are allowed during the second rough-sketch stage.

-50% refunds are allowed during final lineart stage.

-10% refunds are allowed during and/or after final coloring stage.


Keeping and sharing any portion of the commission after cancellation is prohibited without the artist's permission. The client must ask for the artist's permission to sell or replicate commission work. (example: selling art prints, key-chains, etc.)


Artist's Troubleshooting:

If the artist is unable to finish the commission, the client will receive full refund of whatever the client has already paid. If the commission is more than 50% complete and the client wishes to keep the incomplete commission, the client will only have 50% refund with the incomplete commission.



Additional Discount:

If the final cost of the client's commission ends up being more than they expected to pay, then it is possible to request for a discount. Please keep in mind that the acceptance and amount of the discount will vary depending on the situation and will NOT be 100% guaranteed.

✿ Long Animations ✿

Clients who commission animation(s) that are longer than 3-5 seconds must be prepared for lengthy deadlines (minimum of 3-4 months).

Similar to any other commission, the artist is allowed to decline or cancel the commission if:

1. The client becomes unpleasant or disagreeable to the artist.

2. The artist has extreme health or family issue that requires the artist to focus more on her personal life.

Artist's Terms of Service

✿ The artist is permitted to decline new commission requests without explanation.


✿ If the artist suffers from personal health problems, the artist is allowed to discontinue or readjust the deadline.

✿ If the artist is forced to prioritize her personal projects, the artist is allowed to discontinue or readjust the deadline.

✿ The artist reserves the right to change and modify the prices listed in this website. Commissions that were accepted prior to the change will not be affected.

✿ The artist reserves the right to change and modify the terms of service listed in this website. Commissions that were accepted prior to the change may be affected.

✿ The artist will not repost a 100% replica of the commission on social medias (via through lowering quality or adding watermarks) without full permission from the client.

✿ The artist is allowed to use completed/incomplete commissions to showcase the artist's current skills for future commissions and clients.

✿ If the commission takes longer than the estimated time, the artist will not charge the client extra.

✿ Do not constantly pester the artist about the commission.

✿ Overall Statement ✿

No matter how big or small the commissions are, I take them all very seriously. I love helping people bring their visions to life and will do everything in my power to create the best commission experience possible. So please, remember to be patient, understanding and respectful.

-Hanayo Sora ❀     

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